Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Food We Eat - Peanut Butter is no good!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Multicultural Night
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Our Three Year Old
Monday, December 1, 2008
Those blessed little moments...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Own Pressure

Monday, November 17, 2008
1 Year Old Lincoln
It felt like such a long time to wait for your arrival once we knew of your creation and your siblings waited so excitedly too. But you took your own sweet time, baking for 40 1/2 weeks until you had reached the ripe and hefty size of 10lbs 14 oz and 23 1/2in long. However, when it was time, you didn't waste any. The Lord must have known what a wimp your mommy is (seriously - I whine about paper cuts and pulled cuticles!) and spared me with your 3 hour labor and delivery! I was surprised that your first cry sounded so much like your big brother Adam's did and I thought it was strange that I could remember that detail over 2 years later.
Your daddy and I were so happy to welcome you to our family that chilly October day. You were so alert and looked so much like Adam.....
But this past year has shown you to be as unique and specially made as your three siblings. Your looks seems to be different everyday that we see you. So many who've met you remarked that you were the sweetest and happiest baby they ever met (okay, I may be a bit biased.... but they really did say it was so and I agreed!).
You have learned quickly that you need to make noise to be heard in this house - and make noise you do! Anytime that Adam comes near you to try to poke your nose, you start swingin' those arms and screeching. You often attack your offender by diving at them with your teeth bared. Yikes! This was cute at first but it is something that has shown us your strong determination as we've tried to teach you not to bite. Your curiosity is insatiable at this age, and house proofing you is quite the task. I can't help but smile as you chuck off the opposite direction as fast as your fat legs can crawl when you hear me approach while you're doing something "no-no!"
How amazingly adorable you are - you are so valued by all of us! We love to watch you learn and grow and we enjoy every day with you. What a wonderful year this has been with you, my darling Lumpy (don't worry, we won't call you that for long - you're already slimming out, much to my dismay)!
Happy First Birthday!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I love Kitties!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The key word being "most" in the above statement. *SIGH*
But this week I didn't take time to preview a movie that I, myself, chose for movie night with the kids. And I was shocked to find a clip in which the 2 main characters (10yo boys) are flipping slowly through tv channels and land for at least 30 seconds on a nasty music video! It was "Girls, Girls, Girls' by Va.n Ha*len (I think Va.n Ha*len - it's been a few years) and was loaded with half naked women dancing more than provocatively. And the boys acted and talked as if it wasn't degrading since it was just tv ("No, it's not .... it's just tv. It's not real." says one boy).
Call me ultra-conservative. Call me overprotective. I don't care. But this is NOT how I want my boys to think of or treat women or my girl to think of herself as such. I do not want them de-sensitized to immoral junk just because they view it on the tv! I am irritated at the makers of this movie for wrecking a classic story AND I'm irritated at myself for thinking that a PG movie would be okay for my 7 and 5.5 yo kids.
This serves as a reminder to myself and dh - our children are gifts loaned to us for only a short time. Their innocence is more fragile and valuable than many people think.
So if you haven't seen it or haven't shown it to your kids,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Normal frustrations, I'm sure...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, October 20, 2008
Never enough time, huh?
By 9pm I just don't feel like sitting down to blog/surf/shop/research curriculum. We are in our 2nd week of our 2nd term ad I still haven't finished my Term 1 progress post (for my sake - none too interesting for anyone else). Thankfully, lessons are going well.
Right now I'm breaking my own rule about sitting at the computer before lessons are finished for the day. Lessons, dishes, dinner prep, window washing, laundry are call calling....
So another time for this....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
A New Friend
I have found (as you may have also) that homeschooling can take so much time that I don't have (hmmm... or should I say 'make' in order to take due responsibility) enough time to connect with other homeschooling moms, to develop and cultivate relationships that support the path that God has put me on, keep me spiritually nourished, as well as enable me to encourage and be of use to other women on this path.
This is why I am so pleased that God has placed another wonderful family in our lives! Today we had over a mom and 3 of her 4 homeschooled kids, whom my dear mil recently introduced to us. I met her a few months ago at her home and drooled over her spacious and organized lesson room while Jefferson played outside with her kids. I noticed right away how gentle her nature was and how kind her children were. She is interested in the same type of nutrition as I am, has 3 kids of similar age as mine, uses Sonlight curriculum. She and her dh manage a campground facility and have done great things there in the short time they've had the job.
Today we got to know each other better amid (amazingly!) 7 kids. Hers were so well behaved that I prayed silently that our little bolt of lighting (Reagan) wouldn't let loose one of her lovely tantrums. But then I realized that she wasn't the type to judge anyway - phew. Jefferson was at ease and acting like himself (he's usually quieter with new people), Reagan dove right into the mix, and I was surprised that 2.5 yo Adam warmed up so quickly too. Of course, kids know when someone is a "kid-loving" kind of person (aka "genuine") and he loved it that their mom got right down to play with him. I just love people who are able to love other people's children! Their visit was lovely but when it was time for them to go, their mom said, "Children -it's time to go." And guess what they said (practically in unison!)? "Okay!" In my mind, my jaw dropped. But with their good behavior, I guess I wasn't really that surprised.
What a blessing that God places people like this in our lives, huh? I am so glad to meet someone with whom I can feel comfortable and share my journey as a mom and teacher as well as to find kids that my own kids enjoy so much. I am so glad that God provides friends!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Uh oh - new addiction on its' way!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
2nd Grade Science

As for projects, the book offers from 1 to 2 per chapter,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Boycottin' the computer for a bit
We enjoyed the beautiful cool weather. We weeded and mowed and played in the sand box. We kicked the ball around and took "wok uh woks" (Adam's term for walks). We observed lovely copper praying manti and millipeds. We had church at home and learned about Jacob's ladder. We even had pancakes (a huge, huge, huge treat in this normally gluten free house)! Oh, do I love my family. There is nothing next to Jesus, more wonderful and amazing than simply being with them!
So no more than this for a post and no comments to other bloggy friends. I'll post some of our photos another time....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Oldest Turns 7!
- his curiosity is insatiable - his favorite question right now is "How did it?"
- he loves to figure out how things work (Legos, rc cars, ANYTHING his daddy is doing)
- he wants everyone else to be involved in every aspect of his life - he wants to be with others
- he cannot resist the urge to tell others the 'right' way to do things (much to Reagan's dismay!)
- he loves to help others - "Look Mommy, I loaded the laundry for you!" (nevermind that he didn't notice the diaper that somehow got in the basket!)
- he loves, loves, loves to read
- his energy is non-stop - so typical boy
- he is always hungry - I am so thankful that he is not a picky eater
- he LOVES babies
- he is sensitive and caring
- he is growing too, too, too fast!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Introducing.... a new bloggy friend!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Week 5 (T1) 2008
First, Labor Day was a wash. I hadn't planned anything for this day but can't quite figure out how to tell my hs software that. So it thinks we just didn't get the lessons for Monday in! I'll have to find out how to adjust that since we will be adjusting things in the future as well. We read a little in the am and went to a great picnic in the afternoon. It was hosted by old friends. We thought is strange as we left as we realized that we feel soooo much more comfortable with the family of this friend (she has a large, large family who were all there) than we do amongst our own church family. Hmmm...
Tuesday was completely nuts! We were all dead-tired from the late picnic and slept in an hour. The cleaning lady woke me up and I spent the next hour just picking up (so SHE could clean up - you know how that goes! LOL!) and trying to get the kids awake and fed before the speech therapist arrived for Adam. By the time they both left, I had to get lunch ready and no one had gotten ANY lessons done! I think I managed to teach Jefferson grammar, math, and spelling and Reagan got her phonics lesson. Reading didn't happen since I had so many errands to run in prep for Jefferson's party.
Wednesday worked but only slowly. We did manage to get some very good reading time in for history and plan the mosaic that they were suppose to do on Friday. Jefferson is finished with his CCC phonics lessons and I have forgotten to order the next book! So we'll just skip that for a couple weeks, I guess. He's good at it, but I can tell that it's not his favorite. I think that we'll take the extra time (*hahahahehehe* Did I just say extra time? As if!) to start a few minutes of cursive practice each day since our Veritas Bible Primer Book 1 has arrived. I think that Reagan's math lesson got skipped! I had much food planning to do to get ready for our first day of homeschool co-op on Thursday.
Thursday was as tiring as I knew it would be with the co-op. It runs from 10:30am til 2:30 and I have to have everyone's lunches ready the night before if I'm going to get any lessons done in the morning. Even so, I was already tired (thanks to Sarah Palin's late speech Wednesday night) and we barely got out the door with all our stuff. Jefferson finished SWB. Reagan did get her phonics lesson this morning - we are working on short i and more penmanship. I know that she can blend and even sound out short words but need to continue emphasizing these basics for a while longer. Co-op was lots of fun for the kids and even I was as tired out by it as I can get. I will be assisting the teacher in the nursery/pre-k/K room, so I'll be with 3 of my 4 kids.
Friday I tried to get through the lessons that were planned but small details related to Jefferson's birthday kept getting in the way and I finally gave up. I was also very cranky. :-/ I think that days like these are why I have planned to school year round - I don't want to start yelling at the kids just because it HAS to get done. So we didn't - the mosaic will wait until next week. Jefferson played with his Legos (gift from his Nana), we read a bit and I worked on food lists/prep for the party. I also had the kids help me with some extra chores since we weren't doing lessons. The head cold that started Wedns for me is finally getting better....maybe that's what pulled me down this week?
Next week will be a better week I hope. I do feel like we are in a groove and I know that a break is coming soon. I can't actually believe that we have been at this for 5 weeks already - it's feels normal again! We will be skipping Tuesday so that Jefferson can go with dh to hear McCain/Palin speak at F&M University. Dave bought him a McCain booklet to give him some more info and we will be learning more about other presidents over the next couple of months. We just want him to have an awareness of this part of our country's democratic process as it happens!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Adam's Favorite Song
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
SOTW2 Copywork Printouts