Friday, February 15, 2008

Week 19 (uh..not really)

Well so much for week 19! Jefferson's sprain didn't swell until Sunday and so we didn't get crutches and start treating it until then - poor guy. So Monday was just leg up all day - not so easy for a fidgety 6-year old, as many of you moms know. At least he was able to read four or five books. We could have salvaged the week, but then every other appointment got shoved into this week and I fell into the "I Can't Can't" mode.

Here's how this happens for me:
  1. I stay up too late trying to play catch up (my favorite game!)
  2. I sleep an hour too late in the morn.
  3. I don't have time to shower or make my own breakfast (this makes me crabby).
  4. I don't have time to listen to God speak to me in His Word - I can barely read through the blurry eyes.
  5. I am snappy at dh and kids since I already feel 'behind' (not to mention my grumbly tummy, lack-of-caffeine headache, and pajamas)
  6. One little lesson after another gets skipped as I scramble to get a few more things done (that I could have done with the extra hour I slept through!).
  7. Kids pick up on my body language and start picking at each other.
  8. By 11:00am nothing much is done and I still have to load everyone up for the appointment du jour!

This week started with the sprain and included a haircut for a screaming 2-year old (anxiety issues recently), 2 dr appointments and a visit from old friends. When you add 2-day preschool for Reagan, dance class, snow and food prep, I knew that this week wasn't going to be fruitful for school. Notice no grocery trip - I just couldn't do it!

As much as I like getting things checked off, I will say that at least we got 3 math lessons and a couple of spelling lessons in, along with lots of reading. I didn't work with Reagan on her phonics, due to all the behavioral issues we are having with she and her little brother. It has truly been an emotional week, even without school, due mostly to Reagan and Adam's behavior and my sleepiness (rather than actual busyness). I would explain further, but my head is cloudy even now. The weekend offers no rest - only lots of food prep so that the kids are able to attend a birthday party, and enjoy another social visit.

I am hoping that next week my foot (as well as Jefferson's) will not slow me down (who knew having a few warts removed could hurt so stinkin' much!) and that Adam will not be so clingy and irritable. I am trying to keep my perspective - when Jefferson is 18, he will not be held back by missing a week of 1st grade! It just goes against every grain of my list-checking, schedule-adhering personality to let life get in the way of our schooling.

But remembering priorities should help this next week:

  1. Go to bed 1-2 hours earlier EVERY night.
  2. Get up earlier (so I can shower, eat, and have some quiet time).
  3. Concentrate on God's Word - spend more time in prayer each morning.
  4. Focus on the children - not the checklist, appointments, lessons or other busyness. Behavior is usually a symptom which needs time, attention, and love. This is more important than phonics!


Kayris said...

I wish I could do the go to bed early and get up early thing. I'm trying, but it's so hard! You've motivated me to give it another try.

Monica said...

Yes, it's all clear in retrospect isn't it:) I will pray that next week is much better and that your foot heals up quick!

Hang in there. You're doing a great job. Hope your Sunday is restful and refreshing.

Jennifer@DoingTheNextThing said...

First, let me say I sympathize with keeping a busy boy at rest... my A broke his leg last year (at age 2) and we had some squirrely days! I hope your little buddy bounces back soon.
Second, have you been hanging around my house? Your I Can't mode could describe me lately. And yet, as you say, the atmosphere we create in our home is more important than getting things checked off.
Thanks for helping us all keep things in perspective!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Well said! We are responsible for the atmosphere we create and I appreciate your honesty and convicting words.

I need to do #1 and #4 on your list as well....

Jessica said...


It is hard. Praying for your spirit to be raised and filled. You're on the ball, you know! I wanted to come by and tell you that there is no way to know everything, absolutely no way! I only knew about poem titles because I had an English/Journalism focus in high school. In high school!

I'm sure you know more about engineering than I could ever possibly know!

Praying for a little more peace this week,

Angela said...

Very inspiring. I need to do some of the same goals that you posted. It is like we are all going through the same thing with homeschool