Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year Resolutions

I figure that if I write these down this year, I will be held more accountable to them. Otherwise I can just pretend at a later time that I wasn't serious! So here goes:

  1. Start each day with God's Word - no matter what (this takes priority over sleep, showers, etc.)
  2. Start Adam's food allergy rotation diet (include Reagan to see if her skin improves also).
  3. Start journaling all of my own food intake -> no more sugar, white flour, or processed foods!
  4. Get as much sleep as I possibly can each night (depending on baby's feedings) - don't waste any time in evening when I can be sleeping.
  5. Don't yell at the kids - speak in a calm tone at all times (especially when I am frustrated or irritated - what better way to teach them by example!).
  6. Walk for 20 minutes each day OR do 20 minutes Pilates.
  7. Pray over each child as they sleep each night.
  8. Make sure that each day's lessons are completely ready b4 going to bed (w/ the baby, I have no time to waste in the morning routine).

Wow! These are going to be tough to stick to - any one or more of them could slide. I struggle with each in a different way. But thankfully, Jesus is my strength and He wants me to be the best person that I can be! I think that if #1 is priority, then it will definately help the rest, right? ;-)