Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lincoln turns THREE!

*This post is sorely, sorely delayed. But such is life around here!

October is not only my favorite month of the year with crisp fall and my wedding anniversary, but also it is the month of our fourth little bear's birthday! As usual, I am shocked at how fast my child is growing and have been surprised by another year of growth.  *sigh*

Lincoln has delighted this past year with his well as dismayed us with it. He started preschool as soon as he turned three -just so that he wouldn't be bored around the house with us! The times when I am focused on lessons with Jefferson and Reagan are the times when we will often find him focused on making trouble or messes. As he approached his third year, he started to show us his strong will and we learned that he could be the sweetest and most helpful boy... if he chooses to do so of his own mind!

His favorite activities include anything related to crafts (painting, drawing with his good fine motor skills, playdough), matchbox cars (this one borders on OCD - no one in the family dares to move even slightly one of his cars once it's set up *his* way), puzzles (again, he has surprised us with his spatial ability), and just plain irritating any of his older siblings by *touching* them repeatedly as they watch tv.  He decided to potty train when he was about 2 1/2, thus saving me 7 months of daipers before the next baby came along (!) and allowing for us to send him to preschool. He got a toddler bed for his birthday (although that has NOT helped him keep from waking up once or twice each night...sigh) that he totally loves and which makes him feel like such a big boy!

I love three years old because he can communicate with us and show us just how doggone excited he was for his party! And here are the photos to prove it....

 (Can you even tell that he ate the bottom part of the cake while I was napping & letting it cool? Thankfully, I saved it with large amounts of black frosting! Such mischief is so typical of little Lincoln!)
