We are 11 (*gasp!!*) weeks into this school year already & I am prime for a break of some sort (perhaps sewing or crafting or reading or just lots & lots of sleep?). Jefferson is in 6th grade (11yo), Reagan is in 4th grade (9.5 yo) and both are really progressing nicely & adjusting to this year's structure. I am so blessed by them and am still as excited as ever to be able to take part in their growing & learning. Adam is in 1st grade (6yo) and just now starting to read. Lincoln is technically in Kindergarden even though he is young for it (4.5yo) because he is simply ready to learn - he is reading with Adam also. It is nice to teach them together but even nicer when they play together for hours at their Leg*os!
And finally, our little Baby Boo (aka Baby Bear, Boo Bear, or Mr. Alien Bear) is already 20 months old! She is the sweetest angel we have had so far and loves to try to keep up with her siblings by trying to talk, run, 'read' books and color. What a little JOY she is to us all! She can now say"Mommy's coffee!" so the next step is to teach her "Half-caf creamnosugar!", right?
No time for more as life is in constant motion around here and I'd like to try to learn to crochet rather than sit at my slow computer. Enjoy!
(4yo L)
(6yo A)
(10yo J)
(6yo A)
(R proud of her Leg*o creation)
(R feeding I - such a helpful big sis!)
(R & I at Science Factory)
(Baby I on the Fourth of July - 18m)
(L & A reading about volcanoes)
(J at Lego Robotics camp)
(Baby I LOVES to put things on her head!)

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